I have been working “steadily” on my latest book project that combines several prior Great Plains storm chase accounts with new narratives describing the last two springs of chasing with the Virginia Tech Hokie Stormchasers.  (“Steadily” has been a euphemism since the holidays constituted an interruption but I shall get back to it this evening.)  The effort parallels last winter’s project which culminated in the Blurb.com volume that contains a decade’s worth of chasing here in Virginia, but I have found some challenging differences in the latest effort.  I had recorded a couple of Plains chase narratives as blogposts and converting those into a smoothly flowing narrative is proving to be difficult.  I suspect many edits of those sections are in order…

I have also adopted a smaller 6″ x 9″ format for this year’s book, which is the size of a mass market paperback.  Hopefully this will render the final product a bit cheaper than the 8″ x 10″ size that I have used before.  I’ve never expected to sell many copies of these books – and I haven’t – but if I can keep the price down perhaps that will help.  Mostly these projects are (a) for my own edification and (b) a hedge against going stir crazy during the chaseless winter months!